The following project reimagines the The College of Architecture, Design, and Construction's Dudley Hall Courtyard. The Existing Conditions of Auburn University’s Dudley Hall function primarily as a pass through space as students walk across campus. A mid-sized grass square and two minimal benches currently reside in the courtyard. However, the space is quite underutilized. The size and structure of the grass space cause its’ user to second guess whether to walk over it or avoid it at all cost, proving itself to not be the optimal solution for the space.
Simply put, Dudley Courtyard’s built environment is not the best design solution for the space, its’ student’s, or their learning outcomes.
This design proposal reimagines the Dudley Courtyard as not just a pass through space, but a destination, for CADC and non-CADC students alike. The reimagined courtyard will be a meeting place and will ultimately increase both social and educational outcomes. With its' diverse meeting spaces, this design solution will foster natural, spontaneous conversation as well as studious isolation, both of which have proven to increase learning outcomes.
Existing cOnditions


Proposed Idea
This design proposal reimagines the Dudley Courtyard as not just a pass through space, but a destination, for CADC and non-CADC students alike. The reimagined courtyard will be meeting place and will ulitimately increase both social and educational outcomes. With it’s diverse meeting spaces, this design solution will foster natural, spontaneous conversation as well as studious isolation, both of which have proven to increase learning outcomes.

Plans + Sections